
When designing an infographic, we typically follow a specific process. This process involves several stages, including gathering information, determining the purpose and target audience of the infographic, creating a concept, developing a layout, selecting colors and typography, and adding illustrations or icons. By following this process, we can ensure that the infographic is visually appealing, effective, and achieves the intended goal.

Of course, the exact steps may vary depending on the project requirements and the client’s needs, but having a structured process in place is always helpful in creating a high-quality infographic.

Preparation: Information about the topic of the infographic, including the data and statistics that we want to highlight, is gathered. We also consider the target audience and the type of information that they are interested in.

Research: We research industry standards and best practices for infographic design, as well as the preferences of the target audience.

Outlining: An outline for the infographic is created, including the sections that should be included and the information that should be highlighted.

Design: We use a combination of shapes, text, and graphics to visually represent the data and information. We also choose an appropriate font and color scheme.

Review and Refinement: The infographic is reviewed with the client, and revisions are made based on feedback. The design is refined until it meets the client’s requirements and the standards of the target audience.

Finalization: The infographic is finalized and prepared for delivery, ensuring that it is saved in a suitable format for the client to use.

The above steps provide a general overview of our process for designing an infographic. The specific details of the design may vary depending on the requirements of the client and our design preferences.