Web Design

We typically follow a process that involves the following steps:

Discovery and Planning: We gather information about the client’s business, target audience, competitors, and design preferences to create a project scope and determine the website’s goals and objectives.

Design: Based on the information gathered,  wireframes and mockups are created that illustrate the website’s layout and user experience.

Development: We convert the approved design into a functional website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then we test the website for compatibility with different browsers and devices.

Content creation: The client provides the content for the website, and it is integrated it into the website. 

Testing and Launch: We thoroughly test the website for functionality and usability. Once it has been approved by the client, we launch it and make it live.

Maintenance: We also provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the website continues to perform well and is up to date. 

While the web design process can vary depending on the client’s needs and our approach, the above steps provide a general overview of the process followed.